Curriculum Consultation: Building Units, Courses and Programs

This inservice is designed for teachers with at least a basic understanding of teaching with Comprehensible Input (CI) and Content-Based Storytelling (CBS) or Content-Based Instruction (CBI). See the professional development series, Language Learning Redefined: Proficiency Through Global Studies. 

The mountaintop of professional development – teachers are empowered to let go of  the sole reliance on the textbook publisher to make curricular decisions to making those professional decisions themselves.  The new curriculum will reflect students’ interests, what students need in a global era and what teachers are passionate about teaching. Students will develop language proficiency skills and be more knowledgeable for global citizenship!

imagesCollaborative Reflection

  • Use the backward planning process to describe program exit learning targets
  • Use the backwards planning process to describe learning targets for each previous course

Learn from Planning Tools

  • Access Jan’s starter set of Content-Based Essential Questions for each language level
  • Walkthrough several national documents to glean information from World-Readiness Standards for Language Learning, Global Competency, and Skills for 21st Century Learners
  • Is there alignment with the drafted learning targets?  If there are gaps, how can they be filled?


  • What are the possible units of study for each course? How might students demonstrate their content knowledge?
  • What language skills are needed to perform the tasks for each unit?


  • What are we doing already that can fit into the new curriculum?
  • What needs to be created?  Who will create it?  When?  How?
  • What will we still need to implement the curriculum with fidelity?

Contact Jan to bring an inservice to your school/city.