Partnership for Global Learning
What is global competency and how can we design educational programs so our students can develop these skills? See PGL’s Global Portfolio System (GPS) materials for program development and advocacy resources. Connect with schools from the International Studies Schools Network at the PGL annual conference, the absolute best cutting=edge professional development I attend each year.
Global Competence Matrix for World Languages
EdSteps project to elaborate on global competence by content areas using four domains: Investigate the World, Recognize Perspectives, Communicate Ideas and Take Action
Partnership for 21st Century Skills & National Standards for Foreign Language Learning
ACTFL & P21 collaboration document aligns P21 skills with the 5 C’s of the national World-Readiness Standards for Language Learning.
Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World
A planning guide for developing global competence in schools created by a collaboration of the Partnership for Global Learning and the Council of Chief State School Officers.
Education for Global Citizenship: A Guide for Schools, Oxfam
Guidelines for K-12 development of global citizenship knowledge, skills and values
Geo-Literacy: National Geographic Education
Understanding global systems, interconnections and implications for 21st century decision-making
International Studies Schools Network
Network of 34 USA schools with focus on global competency across all content areas
World Savvy
Nationwide program to educate and engage youth in community and world affairs, to learn, work and thrive as responsible global citizens in the 21st century.
American Citizen, Global Citizen, Mark Gerzon
This thought-provoking book would be a great selection for a professional learning community or book club. The author shows how sharpening four essential skills: witnessing, learning, connecting and partnering, will help us solve global challenges.
Growing Up Global: Raising Children to Be At Home in the World, Homa Sabet Tavanger
A toolbox for parents, communities and schools with literally hundreds of simple, everyday ideas for raising our children with a global mindset.
Travel as a Political Act, Rick Steves
The author shares personal travel stories that have shaped his worldview and politics. The website includes links to blogs, forums and classroom discussion questions. Listen to Rick talk about his book on Minnesota Public Radio.
National Peace Corps Association – Education Website
Free lesson plans, teachers’ toolbox, network with other global educators and quarterly newsletter. Optional $35 annual membership offers a subscription to Peace Corps WorldView magazine. Bring a returned volunteer to your classroom!
Building Bridges, Peace Corps Worldwise Schools and National Geographic
Free download book and classroom guides to cross-cultural understanding
Worldwise Schools, Educator Resource Page
Free classroom resources. Set up class correspondence with a Peace Corps Volunteer.
Global Wisconsin YouTube Videos
Short vignettes showing state and local global education projects.