The Global Achievement Gap, Tony Wagner
Are schools teaching and testing the skills students will need most in the global knowledge economy? The author compares the old and new worlds of school and calls for reinvention of the teaching profession. Tony Wagner was the keynote speaker at ACTFL Convention and World Languages Expo 2014. He shared ideas from his new book, Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World.
Changing Education Paradigms, one of the most viewed TED talks of all time, is illustrated with clever and fascinating drawings in sync with his spoken word. Sir Ken Robinson delivers a thought-provoking message about why the factory-model education system no longer serves us in the 21st century. I also recommend his book on the same topic, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything.
A Whole New Mind: How Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future Daniel Pink discusses six traits needed to stand out from the others as we move from the “information age” to the “conceptual age”: design, sympathy, empathy, play, meaning and STORY. The downloadable discussion guide for educators will lead your professional learning community (PLC) to reflect on how we prepare our students for their futures. Also check out Daniel Pink’s Drive for surprises about what really motivates people.
Catching Up or Leading the Way, Yong Zhao The author, born and raised in China, and now a distinguished education professor and raising a family in the United States, presents an insightful comparison of the two education systems. Each is striving to become like the other as a means to prepare youth for the global era. Fascinating read.
Edutopia: The George Lucas Educational Foundation Resources for “schools that work”. Big-picture and out-of-the-box thinkers will be inspired by ideas for project-based learning, integrated learning, technology integration and more.